Take My Hand – Digital
(Piano & Violin Hymns)


Violin and piano hymn favourites, featuring songs such as “When Peace Like a River,” “Just a Closer Walk With Thee,” and “Softly and Tenderly.”


Take My Hand
(Piano & Violin Hymns)
Rosemary Siemens & Loren Hiebert

  1. Praise Him, Praise Him!
  2. Joys Are Flowing Like a River
  3. Amazing Grace
  4. Holy, Holy, Holy
  5. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  6. Just a Closer Walk With Thee
  7. This Little Light of Mine
  8. Climb, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain / Heavenly Sunshine
  9. Jesus Loves Me / I Am So Glad That My Father in Heaven
  10. O Healing River
  11. When Peace, Like a River
  12. Gentle Shepherd
  13. Blessed Assurance
  14. Come, Ye Disconsolate
  15. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
  16. Children of the Heavenly Father / in the Rifted Rock I’m Resting
  17. Softly and Tenderly
  18. I’ll Fly Away
  19. Nearer, My God to Thee
  20. Soon and Very Soon
  21. Precious Lord, Take My Hand


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(Piano & Violin Hymns)”

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